November in Austria

Imagine this, 5am and Merlin the dog is asking to go out..

Up we get as we know it must be unsettling for him and he must be missing his owners, we put his lead on and off he rushes tugging us. Noooo…. Upset tummy time.

We settle him back down and pop back to bed for a further little nap as it’s dark. Unbeknown, until we get up that poor Merlin had already had a mishap or three… So off Steve goes for a walkies and Deb has the lovely task of cleaning up… Wasn’t a good moment in our travel.

Lucky for us he soon settles in and spends most of his time either trying to sit on Steve’s lap whilst he’s working at the table or putting his paw on Steve’s foot to stop him going anywhere!

The Christmas markets start opening in November so off we go to explore. 1st Strobl, complete with real deers and open fires. Another day it’s St Gilgen, full of Asian tourists taking more photos than Deb! Last was St Wolfgang, the prettiest village, very traditionally Austrian and a big floating candle in the lake.

The Salzkammergut area of Austria is lovely and we know it well as we used to own a small flat in the area. If you ever fancy a look around we know of various places you can stay and will receive some lovely hospitality. Check out the links below.

Haus Bergheim – Steeg

House on the Lake – Steeg

Landhaus Kesmi – Gosau

Haus Anastasia – Bad Ischl

Weather changes so much in this area, one place it can be lovely and warm and the next cold, Icey and snowy, the lake and glacier below were only about 20mins over the mountain pass from the lake we were at and what a difference.


We spent plenty of time walking with Merlin and discovering new paths, everyone in the village seems to know Merlin and waves hello or stops for a chat. We also get to catch up with a couple of friends who have sold up in the UK and made the brave move of living full time in the country. When people think we are brave and have made a ballsy move. We can tell you about loads of people we have met on our travels who have done many braver things.


It’s a local tradition that goes a long way back in time. So Santa looks after the good children, but what happens to the naughty ones.. So this is where Krampus comes in. Local villagers dress up in very scary costumes, handed down from generations and we are talking years old. Think of an old costume made of goat skin, kept in an musty attic and never dry cleaned, that’s the best way Deb can describe the smell.

There is a big gathering, like a carnival and plenty of gluhwine to keep you warm. The local people all come out to watch. So what happens to the naughty kids? They get beaten with birch sticks by some devil looking creature and we mean really do get a bit of a whipping! If you stand near to the show boundary tape you are classed as fair game. We had never been to one before. Scared the life out of Deb, although it was maybe because she was very close to the edge of the show.. or was she just a naughty one?

The creatures seem to like her, perhaps it was the squealing when they came near! The guys in costumes do get a bit over excited and some get a bit caught up in the moment, most have been drinking all day and are a bit hyped up. Where was Steve, he wasn’t as stupid as Deb and stood back chuckling away..


3 weeks went so quickly, now time to go home to prepare for Asia, 1st stop The Philippines 🌴🌴😎🌴🌴
Live Happy
Debs and Steve


Dog Sitting in Austria

Experienced dog sitters we aren’t or should we say we now are!

As we come to land at the airport we see the big traffic jam and say about how our lift to Steeg is probably in it and we were right, they were. We grab a coffee and take a seat in Salzburg airport. It’s only a small airport but very nice and relaxed and if you’re off to Salzburg town the buses are so easy to find to get you there.


Once our lift arrives we hop in and are on route to meet our new friend for the next three weeks, Merlin the 3 year old black Labrador. Within the hour we arrive after non stop chatting all the way. Merlins owners are off to South Africa on holiday, we have heard so many good things about it that we have it on the ever growing wish list. Trying to satisfy our wanderlust is proving so difficult when you hear about places from everyone. We are already talking about when do we need to go back to work so we can refill the pot of money to continue having our yearly holidays!


The door is opened and out bounces an excited dog. We have a few days before the owners set off to allow time to settle in and run through the routine of Merlin and the house. We have a lovely apartment to stay in and use of the owners house too. We are situated about 50 meters from Hallstätter lake. The views from each room are beautiful, high in the mountains sits loads of white snow contrasting with the blue sky and the air is so crisp and clean. It is like you have stepped into a holiday brochure. The weather was so lovely we all went for a walk up in the mountains near by. Merlin ran around to his hearts content and then at about 16:00 hr the sun starts to disappear and the cold air arrived very quickly, back to the warmth of the house we go.


On the 1st night we visit a traditional Austrian restaurant with Merlins owners and eat a special local dish that is not on the menu but available to the regulars. Venison fillet in red wine sauce, potatoes and red cabbage, so tasty and of course how could Deb resist a glass of Austrian wine. Once we are settled in we will be off to find some local garlic soup, sounds bad but tastes so good! 😋

Never tried Austrian wine? If you have the chance, give it a go. They produce red, white and rose and in the UK it is starting to appear on a lot more wine lists. Deb and Steves favorite vineyard is Schloss Gobelsburg, one of the oldest in Austria situated in the Kamptal wine growing region in Lower Austria, about 50 miles to the north west of Vienna.



Following morning we go with the owners to take Merlin for his normal morning walk before dropping Sue and Les off at the train station to start their holiday and we start our life as house and dog sitters exploring the local area around Hallstätt.


1st stop is an invite from the neighbours, Liz and Geoff for coffee and cake and we learn all about HyperZoom photography, then it’s off to start exploring.

Live Happy

Debs and Steve
